Viacoin VIA Miner Software
Estimated Expected Cryptocurrency Earnings The estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings are based on a statistical calculation using the values entered and do not account for difficulty and exchange rate fluctuations, stale/reject/orphan rates, and a pool's efficiency. If you are mining using a pool, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on the pool's efficiency, stale/reject/orphan rate, and fees. If you are mining solo, the estimated expected cryptocurrency earnings can vary greatly depending on your luck and stale/reject/orphan rate. Raspberry Pi 2 Bitcoin BTC Mining Hashrate there. Time Frame VIA Coins BTC (VIA/BTC at 0. Buy Ethereum ETH Miner there. 00033057) USD (BTC at $8,938.50) Power Cost (in USD) Pool Fees (in USD) Profit (in USD) Hourly 0.00005928 0.00000002 $0.00 $0.10 $0.00 ($0.10) Daily 0.00142275 0.00000047 $0.00 $2.40 $0.00 ($2.40) Weekly 0.00995925 0.00000329 $0.03 $16.80 $0.00 ($16.77) Monthly 0.04268248 0.00001411 $0.13 $72.00 $0.00 ($71.87) Annually 0.51930356 0.00017167 $1.53 $876.00 $0.00 ($874.47).
CoinWarz Viacoin mining calculator. Viacoin Mining Calculator and Profit Calculator. Hash Rate (KH/s): Power. If you are mining using a pool.